More Deferred Execution Fun: foreach and delegation scope

This is closely related to my last post on deferred execution gotchas and its basically more "if you inline delegated code, you may easily overlook scope side-effects". This time it's about dealing with foreach and using the local each item for deferred execution.

public void SpawnActions()
  foreach (ActionContext context in contexts)
    int id = context.Id;
    Action<int> callback =  
      (workerNumber) =>
        Console.WriteLine("{0} Id: {1}/{2}", workerNumber, id, context.Id);
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(FutureExecute), callback);

public void FutureExecute(object state)
  int id = worker++;
  Action<int> callback = state as Action<int>;

The output looks like this:

0 Id: 0/9
1 Id: 1/9
2 Id: 2/9
3 Id: 3/9
4 Id: 4/9
5 Id: 5/9
6 Id: 6/9
7 Id: 7/9
8 Id: 8/9
9 Id: 9/9

So while the foreach scope variable context is kept alive for the deferred execution, it turns out that foreach re-uses the variable on each pass through the loop and therefore when the Action is later executed, each one has a reference to the last context. So what we need to do is create a true local variable for context so that the lambda's scope can hold on to the reference we want.

foreach (ActionContext context in contexts)
  int id = context.Id;
  // locally scoped variable
  ActionContext c2 = context;
  Action<int> callback =  
    (workerNumber) =>
      Console.WriteLine("{0} Id: {1}/{2}", workerNumber, id, c2.Id);
  ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(FutureExecute), callback);

And now our results are a bit more what we expected:

0 Id: 0/0
1 Id: 1/1
2 Id: 2/2
3 Id: 3/3
4 Id: 4/4
5 Id: 5/5
6 Id: 6/6
7 Id: 7/7
8 Id: 8/8
9 Id: 9/9