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Blogging with mkdocs was converted from static html and a wordpress site behind nginx on an EC2 instance to a static site generated by mkdocs hosted on S3.

The motivation

For the last ~10 years, I hosted everything on a single EC2 instance behind an ElasticIP. A couple of wordpress sites, some static sites, a couple of node apps, all through nginx. Deploy was git checkouts and some shell scripting. After having my server taken over once because of a wordpress vulnerability, I now ran all my wordpress with read-only files, so that felt decent. Just had to make them read/write for version and plugin updates. Mind you all this is very low traffic hobby sites.

But I really wanted to get to immutable deploys. Run these sites as separate docker containers I could more easily test locally and deploy was a replace. I converted one WP site to docker and figured out how to run it with ECS. Then last month I set out to decommission the EC2 and convert everything left.

My WP deploys were using the default WP container as a base, but was structured with the blog as a sub-directory and a bunch of static site elsewhere. I considered reconfiguring the container to serve the existing hierarchy through its nginx, but in the 10 years of not posting, my tastes for authoring had moved distinctly from WYSIWYG to markdown and if I was going to get back to blogging, I wanted to go static. I briefly considered jekyll, but had been using MkDocs at work and really liked it, plus I am far more fluent in python than ruby. Some brief googling later, I found Material for MkDocs which comes out of the box with blogging support and with LoneKorean's WordPress Export to Markdown I was well on my way.

Deploying many sites in ECS using one ALB

My current go-to deployment strategy is AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) using Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Each site is its own stateless docker container persisting dynamic data in RDS and/or S3. When I make a change, I build the new container, push it to ECR, create a new task revision and ECS deploys the site for me.

I've now set this up a couple of times and each time I struggle to recollect all the steps along the way, so it's high time I write it down so that I can look it up next time. And now that I understand this a bit better, I was also able to consolidate my infrastructure, since my original approach wasn't necessarily the most cost-efficient setup.

Aside from remembering/reverse engineering all the pieces needed, the part I always got stuck on was the apparent catch-22 of a load balancer wanting a target group, a target group wanting an IP, while the ECS Service wants to set up a load balancer before providing said IP.

ECS RunTask needs public IP to access env file

Learning how to use ECS tasks to run some cron jobs has been an opaque journey to say the least.

I knew my TaskDefinition was fine, because my server was running, but I wanted to use that same definition with a different container command and schedule its execution for housekeeping tasks.

I started with creating an EventBridge schedule, which seemed straight forward enough. But as soon as I created it I was puzzled that there didn't seem to be a way to trigger it for testing nor was there any kind of information on whether or not the last invocation had happened and succeeded.