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Freezing DTOs by proxy

In my previous post about sharing data without sharing data state, I proposed an interface for governing the transformation of mutable to immutable and back for data transfer objects (DTOs) that are shared via a cache or message pipeline. The intent was to avoid copying the object when not needed. The interface I came up with was this:

public interface IFreezable<T> where T : class {
    bool IsFrozen { get; }

    void Freeze();
    T FreezeDry();
    T Thaw();

The idea being that a mutable instance could be made immutable by freezing it and receivers of the data could create their own mutable copy in case they needed to track local state.

  • Freeze() freezes a mutable instance and is a no-op on a frozen instance
  • FreezeDry() returns a frozen clone of a mutable instance or the current already frozen instance. This method would be called by the container when data is submitted to make sure the data is immutable. If the originator froze it's instance, no copying is required to put the data into the container
  • Thaw() will always clone the instance, whether its frozen or not, and return a frozen instance. This is done so that no two threads accidentally get a reference to the same mutable instance.

Straight forward behavior but annoying to implement on objects that really should only be data containers and not contain functionality. You either have to create a common base class or roll the behavior for each implementation. Either is annoying and a distraction.

Freezable by proxy

What we really want is a mix-in that we can use to attach shared functionality to DTOs without their having to take on a base class or implementation burden. Since .NET doesn't have mix-ins, we do the next best thing: We wrap the instance in question with a Proxy that takes on the implementation burden.

Consider this DTO, implementing IFreezable:

public class FreezableData : IFreezable<FreezableData> {

    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    #region Implementation of IFreezable<Data>
    public virtual void Freeze() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public virtual FreezableData FreezeDry() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    public virtual bool IsFrozen { get { return false; } }
    public virtual FreezableData Thaw() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

This is a DTO that supports the interface, but lacks the implementation. The implementation we can provide by transparently wrapping it with a proxy.

var freezable = Freezer.AsFreezable(new FreezableData { Id = 42, Name = "Everything" });

// freeze

// this will throw an exception
freezable.Name = "Bob";

Under the hood, Freezer uses Castle's DynamicProxy to wrap the instance and handle the contract. Now we have an instance of FreezableData that supports the IFreezable contract. Simply plug the Freezer call into your IoC or whatever factory you use to create your DTOs and you get the behavior injected.

In order to provide the cloning capabilities required for FreezeDry() and Thaw(), I'm using MetSys.Little and perform a serialize/deserialize to clone the instance. This is currently hardcoded and should probably have some pluggable way of providing serializers. I also look for a method with signature T Clone() and will use that instead of serialize/deserialize to clone the DTO. It would be relatively simple to write a generic memberwise deep-clone helper that works in the same way as the MetSys.Little serializer, except that it never goes to a byte representation.

But why do I need IFreezable?

With the implementation injected and its contract really doing nothing but ugly up the DTO, why do we have to implement IFreezable at all? Well, you really don't. Freezer.AsFreezable() will work on any DTO and create a proxy that implements IFreezable.

public class Data {
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

var data = Freezer.AsFreezable(new Data{ Id = 42, Name = "Everything" });

// freeze
var freezable = data as IFreezable<Data>;

No more unsightly methods on our DTO. But in order to take advantage of the capabilties, we need to cast it to IFreezable, which from the point of view of a container, cache or pipeline, is just fine, but for general usage, might be just another form of ugly. Luckily Freezer also provides helpers to avoid the casts:

// freeze

// thaw, which creates a clone
var thawed = Freezer.Thaw(data);
Assert.AreEqual(42, thawed.Id);

Everything that can be done via the interface also exists as a helper method on Freezer. FreezeDry() and Thaw() will both work on an unwrapped instance, resulting in wrapped instances. That means that a container could easily take non-wrapped instances in and just perform FreezeDry() on them, which is the same as receiving an unfrozen IFreezable.

Explicit vs. Implicit Behavior

Whether to use the explicit interface implementation or just wrap the DTO with the implementation comes down to personal preference. Either methods works the same, as long as the DTO satisfies a couple of conditions:

  • All data must be exposed as Properties
  • All properties must be virtual
  • Cannot contain any methods that change data (since it can't be intercepted and prevented on a frozen instance)
  • Collections are not yet supported as Property types (working on it)
  • DTOs must have a no-argument constructor (does not have to be public)

If the DTO represents a graph, the same must be true for all child DTOs.

The code is functional but still a work in progress. It's released under the Apache license and can be found over at github.